
Showing posts from August, 2020

In honor of National Dog Day, here's Duke. #nationaldogday #dogsofinstagram #doggo #dog #dorkie #notachihuahua #littledog #tinydog #vsco #vscocam


Around 10 years ago, silly filters and all. Happy Anniversary, babe. 14 down and you told me you wanted to make it to 60, so hold on for the ride. #happyanniversary #marriage #manandwife #saymanandwife #oldschoolfilternonsense #family @amylynnstudios


She (and her sisters) rolled out on the mini-dirtbike this week. #girlsridedirtbikes #dirtbike #cabinlife #cabin #mountains #TimberLakes #Utah #girlsrule #vsco #vscocam


Hammocks and cabins. Like peanut butter and jelly, oil and vinegar, Sonny and Cher, coconut oil and banana hammocks. Some things just go together. #cabinlife #hammock #mountains #cabin #freshair #trees #blueskies #getoutsideandstayaway #covidcopingmechanisms #vsco #vscocam #Utah #TimberLakes


Three queens, three warriors, three leaders, three sisters. #mygirls #sisters #girlpower #deceptivelycalmphoto #letsgofishing #Utah #highlandglenpark #vsco #vscocam


Fridays are fun days. #summer #slipnslide #frontlawnlife #cousins #getoutside #mygirls #vsco #vscocam #weekend


Get out, stay away, and play, Utah. Mineral Basin had no crowds, fresh air, cool water, and plenty of space to forget for a minute about pandemics, politics, and problems. I'm proud of how these three girls have handled social distancing, online schooling, wearing masks, and doing what they can to protect themselves and those at risk around them. 2020 has been a trip and a half, but I've been lucky to spend so much time with my girls. #MineralBasin #AmericanForkCanyon #Utah #getoutsideandstayaway #socialdistancing #ilovenature #mountains #mountainlife #minutesawayworldsapart #vsco #vscocam #family #mygirls