Out d****d spot... OUT!

So today is the official due date of our first child. You would think that this kid would be ready to go and clawing its way out of the uterus. But no, apparently Amy has been eating too much sugar or something and this little girl does not want to leave her warm, soft, fluid-filled home. At all. According to our visit to our medical professional today, there isn't a thing that we can do to attempt to start labor, she is still so high up in there. Disappointing, eh?
So, those of you with bets made, HAHAHA! You have all lost! And badly. There may be a few of you that are still on, but I still laugh in your general direction. I think that the fact that this baby will most likely be medically induced probably negates any and all bets placed on or around that date. We may have a re-betting, based solely on the size of the head (which after looking at Amy's baby pictures I am sure will be the size of a chinese watermelon), length of the baby (remember, Amazon child), time of delivery after medication administered, and whether or not Amy punches me and how many times she says "this is all YOUR fault" through gritted teeth during delivery.
Let me know if you want in, the winner receives an all-expenses paid trip to ...... (drum roll) ....... Timber Lakes! where I will cook a magnificent breakfast (my specialty, mostly fried in bacon grease).


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